Jericho got her first Christmas present in the mail before Thanksgiving. It was beautifully gift wrapped and everything, but could mommy wait till Christmas to open it - nope - especially since it came before Thanksgiving, I don't know many people that could wait that long to open it, sorry Great Grandma Truesdale, but thank you so much for the doll Jericho loves it! This is an American Girl Bitty Baby doll. You can pick out the eye, skin, and hair (even though there isn't much) color that you want so it will look like your child. You can also get clothes for your child so that they match their doll but they don't have baby sizes so we'll have to wait till Jericho gets older for that. It's kind of crazy but I would have loved it when I was a kid. Jericho's great grandma did a great job, the doll looks just like Jericho. Thanks again Great Grandma Truesdale!
We went over to a friends house last Thursday to watch the Packer game, they were 10-1 and were playing a team that was 10-1. Jericho loves watching and cheering for the Packers. We had a wonderful time even though the Packers lost. Brett Favre got hurt early on and Jericho was telling him to get better so he could come back and play. The Packers played well and hung with the Cowboys even though Favre and a few other were hurt. It also didn't help that the referees made a few bad calls against the Packers but that's sports and life. Jericho and I just hope Favre is going to be well enough to play next week, which it sounds like he will be. Homemade pizza, popcorn, and the Packers what more could a girl ask for. Thanks KT!
Ok so these two video are pretty much the same - I know - but you can't talk about the Packers without talking about (or showing) Favre and just as I was saying something about him in the 1st video they showed the replay of him getting hurt so I had to put that one on and in the 2nd video Jericho was talking (cheering) a lot more so I had to put that one one too. I did for her grandparents. They get to hear her on the phone sometimes but never get to see it. Plus one set of grandparents are Packer fans and the other are Bear fans. They need to know that Jericho is very much a PACKER FAN! She told us so.

Jericho has been giggling here and there for awhile now but usually she does it once and then just smiles the rest of the time. Well, yesterday I got her to giggle and she just kept giggling and giggling. It was the cutest thing. I wish I could have gotten it on video (then maybe I would have only posted one of there other videos) but I didn't. I was having to much fun watching her giggle, she was giggling at me laughing, and I didn't want her to stop and if I would have tried to get the camera I'm pretty sure the giggles would have subsided and I wouldn't have gotten it anyway. I love this baby girl she truly is living up to her middle name - JOY! I know there will be many more giggle attacks (or whatever you call it) and I look forward to them, but I sure did enjoy the first one!
Oh, in case you were wondering the pumpkin rolls were a hit at Thanksgiving. Everyone loved them, even the one I tried to destroy.
I can't wait to hear her giggle! I was looking at this when a parent walked in for her conference and I told her I was looking at my niece and you did a blog. She said she must only have one right. I said yes. She said you don't have time for things like blogging when you have more than one. So that is the challenge to see if you can keep it up with the next one.
P.S. Will that be any time soon?
Love Ya,
Hey, I love that last pic of her....I can just hear her giggling.
she is so beautiful, I bet you could just sit and listen to her giggle for hours
Before I started reading I thought "that doll kind of looks like her." What a great gift. What a precious girl you have!
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