Thursday, July 23, 2009

Like butter on a hot skillet.....

I melted....

It all started last night I was getting ready for a picnic at a friends house. Seth was loading the car and Jericho was helping him. Jericho came into the room to check on me and to say hi. We chatted for a second before she was at the door saying bye bye getting ready to close it. I was watching her go thinking to myself how lucky I am to have her for a daughter and when it happened. My girl confirmed my very thoughts and left me like butter on a hot skillet melting my very core. Just before she closed the door she stopped, opened it back up, looked me straight in the eye with the biggest smile on her face and said, "I yuv you!" then closed the door and off she went, as if what she had just done was no big deal. But it was, it was a very big deal to her mama.

Jericho has said I love you countless times and each time it gets me, but this time was different, this was a first. All the countless times prior to last night I had initiated the I love you, I would tell her I love her or asking if she knew that I loved her or asking her if she knew how much I loved her, that sort of thing. But this time, this time she said it on her own, without me saying anything. This time it was all Jericho. Jericho had a simple thought as she was leaving the room I love my mommy, followed by another simple thought I'm going to tell her, followed my a simple action telling her mama "I yuv you!" Moments like this make it all worth it.

Next time you think to yourself that you love someone take some advice from my almost 2 year old and tell them, you never know how it might brighten their day.

I find it only appropriate to end this telling the one I'm thinking of what I'm thinking:



Dr Phil said...

I melted reading this, and I'm not even the one she said it to, and I'm wasn't even there to hear her say to you.

Hilary said...

Awww that is soooo sweet too :)