Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Little Moments

Jericho has been up more in the middle of the night since she turned one (less than 2 weeks ago) than she was in her whole first year. I'm not sure why, but I think it has something to do with her one year old molars that are coming in. This morning at 4am she was once again yelling for me. I went in picked, her up but only after she made sure she had her blankie, asked her what was wrong and had to giggle as she very clearly very deliberately lunged toward the chair that I always nurse her in. The girl knows what she wants and isn't shy about tell us.

We found early on that Jericho sleeps much better if there is noise so for months now we put a cd in and have it repeat all night long. Last night we had Steven Curtis Chapman's This Moment Cinderella Edition playing (thanks Aunt Tori for the birthday CD - we love it!) So as we snuggled in to have an early morning nursing session I thought it appropriate that the song One Heartbeat At A Time was playing. It's becoming one of my favorite songs because it reminds me why I'm doing what I'm doing. It tells why I choose to staying home with my daughter. It reminds me that I may not see it now but I am changing the world. You know what you are too!

Jericho finished nursing but wasn't finished snuggling (she has become much more of a snuggle bug since she turned one too. I'm wondering if this also has to do with her teeth. Honestly, I really care why I'm enjoying it as long as it lasts.) the Cinderella song was playing and I again found it appropriate for the moment. Steven Curtis Chapman wrote the song to remind him to enjoy the little moments that he has with his daughters before they grow up, get married and have little girls themselves. He wrote it before his daughter Maria died in a tragic accident at their home. Now every time I hear the end of the chorus where is says "Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight and she'll be gone" I pray for him and his family. I hope he enjoyed every little moment with Maria that he had.

When the Lord blesses you with a child you automatically think that you will get to see them grow, go to the prom, got to college, get married and eventually have children of their own. That is how it is supposed to be. We aren't supposed to think that for any reason it should be different than that but sometimes it is. Sometimes we don't get to watch them grow up. Sometimes the clock strikes midnight way before we are ready and way before we expect it and they are gone.

So, as Jericho and I continued to snuggle I once again thanked my God for the year that He had already given me with her. I prayed for the many years to come. Most of all I enjoyed the little moment that I had with Jericho right there right then.

I believe that when the clock does strike midnight for Jericho it will be because she is going off to college or getting married but if for some reason it happens before then I want to be ready. I want to enjoy every little moment that I have. I hope you do too.

Enjoy the little moments today!


Hilary said...

SO true...life can change in a moment!! Jericho is sooo cute!! Enjoy your special time with her :)

KT said...

Well said Tarah...it is so true and I too thank God for every moment I have with K! Jericho is a sweety pie!

Angela said...

Great post *tearing up*... off to go snuggle with my little one now!

Emily said...

This was a great post. Greg recently lost his Uncle Mike and 20-year-old cousin Kyle to a farming accident and it has definitely reminded me that nothing is certain in life. I know I am cherishing all my loved ones more now, and I know it shouldn't take a tragedy to make you do so.