Jericho got her first boo boo tonight. We were eating dinner and Jericho was sitting on my lap as I ate, she doesn't like when we eat without her, she wiggled and flung her head back. Our chairs have metal (or iron or something like that) backs on them. When she flung herself, her head caught the edge of the chair where it curls around. I've never really liked the chairs and knowing that they were the cause of my sweet Jericho's first (although I'm sure there will be many that follow) boo boo, it makes me dislike them even more. Jericho's fine. She cried but it didn't help that she was getting ready to go down for a nap so she was already tired. There is a a little scratch and a bump. Jericho's tough and was giggling at her daddy a few moments after it happened. I don't know if you can see it in the picture (sorry I'm still not very good at taking pictures) but looking at the picture it's on the right side of her head, if she had hair it would be right at her hair line. Well, I'm glad it wasn't anything serious and it's nice to have that 1st boo boo out of the way. It didn't hardly phase her so that makes it easier too.
Aww...I hate boo boo's!
She need Moni to come kiss her boo boo! Guess she needs a Pa Pa kiss too.
Booboos are horrible! Oceana's first came at about 2 or 3 days after she was born and included blood. I was beside myself! She still has a tiny scar. My sister had a metal piece on her belt that scraped her toe and laid the skin straight back. Just recently she fell (was dropped) onto pavement and shredded a toe and an elbow. It's enough to make your heart hit your feet!
Oh, that's sad! She has BEAUTIFUL eyes! Can't wait for you guys to meet Austin!
yep the first of many, especially if she has any brothers in the future. Did you hear about Alyssa's "boo boo" after Christmas? We thought she had broken her nose. It was awful!But they are both tough little girls.
awwwww.... even with a boo boo she is so cute
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