Saturday, May 24, 2008

Drive In

I spent most of my day in the kitchen yesterday. I haven't done this in awhile and I miss it. I made 3 loaves of bread, a double batch of granola, morning glory muffins and caramel corn. It was fun!

The caramel corn was because decided to go to the drive in movie theater at the last minute. As I'm waiting for it to get out of the oven we find out that if you are plan on bringing food into the drive in you must pay a $5 food permit. How crazy is that?! Since when do they charge you to take food into a drive in? There are 2 reasons (3 for me now) to go to the drive in verses a regular theater the 1st being that you get to see 2 movies for the price of one, I love that they do double features, the 2nd is that you get to bring your own food. I can't believe they are now taking this reason away from me. I always loved trying to decide what snacks to take to the drive in. They are stripping one of the most enjoyable parts of drive ins. I'm so sad! What is this world coming to? The 3rd reason is that we can go on a date without paying for a babysitter because we can bring Jericho and she will sleep in her car seat.

We had fun at the drive in but when we went to start the car after the movie it didn't start. Not something that you jump for joy at 2 in the morning. There was a nice man that tried to jump us, which didn't work, but that same nice man that gave Seth a ride home. Seth drove Tori's car back to the drive in to get us and thankfully he was able to jump our car back to life.

Some more fun news the dog ran away yet again. He had his collar and everything on. No more roaming for him. He will be leashed unless we are out side. You should hear this dog cry because he is hooked up and wants to go see his friend it's pitiful!

My parents are up here. They decided to come visit, it was very last minute-such a nice surprise! My grandparents are moving and had a few things that they said we could have if we could figure out how to get it up here, they live in Illinois. Since it's a long holiday weekend my parents jump at the excuses of bring things up to us, when truly they came to see their adorable granddaughter. Have a great weekend!


Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

What a great idea for a date night! Sorry about the food charge! That seems really needless, and silly to me. Oh, and unnecessary. I could probably think of a few more adjectives... :)

Double sorry about the car! Thank God for the nice guy though! And a sister with a car you can borrow :)

Have fun this weekend!


Tarrah said...

I love days spent in the kitchen making yummy food!

I havn't been to the drive-in's since Abriella was a little baby, great idea! That's crazy about the food charge though, do they search your car before you go in