Thursday, November 13, 2008

Making Decisions & Waiting

There are some decisions to be made. I can't give you details. At least not right now. They are BIG life changing decisions. The kind that take a lot of thought and much prayer. The kind of decisions that everyone hates to make. Usually the kind that end up being the best (or worst) decisions that you ever made. Hopefully the kind that, when looking back, there are no regrets. Do you know what I'm talking about?

Have I mentioned that deciding what to do in these types of situations is not fun? Oh, I have? Ok good I just wanted to be sure you knew. What gives me peace as we seek a decision is this, in our 4 years of marriage Seth and I have been united in every major decision we have had to make and we also have no major regrets in those decisions. Now don't get me wrong there have been plenty of other things that we have done foolishly and I thank God they haven't resulted in any major damage . But we have sought the Lord in everything major decision and He has made our next steps clear to us. I know He will make it clear to us once again. God has been, is, and will continue to be faithful till the end. Praise the Lord.

Know what is hard during these times - waiting for direction. Know what's even harder to not make any stupid decisions while we wait (because of our impatience) How is one to know weather God is providing in an obvious way or if he is testing telling you to be patient knowing He will provide in a different less obvious way.


Anonymous said...

Praying for you! Big decisions are hard to make, but waiting patiently for God's peace and wisdom is key. Be thinking and praying for you!!

Anonymous said...

You are so patient...I can't stand not knowing what the decision/question is....I don't think :) Miss ya!
Love Wulf