Monday, June 30, 2008


. . . I've been thinking about it. Sadly, I don't think it's going to work. As much as I would like it to I'm afraid Jericho is going to keep grow whether I like it or not. I mean just yesterday she started pulling up on chairs, tables, rockers, whatever else is in front of her. She thinks that walking around while holding onto stuff is starting to look like fun. I've tried talking to her. She's not getting it. I mean I even sat her down and explained that she is just a baby and that she needs to stay a baby. She just looks at me with those big sky blue eyes and smiles, I think she even laughed at me, it was cute, but I know she was mocking me. I know she was thinking silly mama if only you could keep me a baby! Oh how I wish I could make her understand. But I can't and ya know what she did after a few of our talks.....she grew, it happens right before my eyes. I know you think I'm making this up but I'm not. You would think she'd at least wait till I'm not watching but no, no she is growing up right in front of me.

What do you think....

Do I look bigger?

I must admit it's been a wonderful view but I sure am going to miss my sweet baby. Well at least I still have 2 more months. Even then she will be my baby, she will always be my baby. I'm not worried. I'm looking forward to watching her grow. I'm just going to have to figure out how to make my heart stop aching.


Unknown said...

The growing up is scary huh? We pushed Oceana to all milestones, and then I regretted it later. :o( But the good thing is, she still likes the cuddles, now she gives kisses voluntarily, and she plays with us. Each new age brings a new "baby romance". Yeah, the baby stuff is its own romance, but then again, perhaps you'll sleep more, be able to wear a dress to church when you want to, and go to the bathroom on your own. Oh - well, maybe you do. I couldn't for about a year. Ak! That was a non-romantic stage.

Give that adorable girl some kisses for me and for Havie. Havie has a picture on her computer of Bethany and Jericho in nursery, Hav LOVED all those babies all year at Student Min. :)

Enjoy your two months.... :)

1 and 2 are kool ages too though....

(And the socks are bigger, but they still get lost just as easy.)

Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

Don't I know that aching heart all too well. Perhaps that is the reason why I keep having babies...
