This post is for the grandparents who haven't seen her for awhile now. It seems that February has been a month of change for my baby and this mama is having a hard time with it. Jericho finally rolled from her back to her stomach all by herself (she rolled the other way 3 months ago) She turned six months old on Wednesday and to celebrate she cut her first tooth and I think the 2nd one won't be far behind! The fact that she's six months old now and my birthday is next week it's making me feel really old. Time is flying but we're enjoying it and having lots of fun in the process!

Jericho's Valentine's Day gift. "Love Bug" pajama's for my little "Love Bug"

Kisses from daddy

This was the big "Love Bug" that my parents gave to Jericho for Valentine's Day.
Jericho has taken to torturing Gamba every chance she gets.
Don't worry he gives it too, by plopping down on top of her. I'm just glad that it doesn't phase either one of them because the way they treat each other they could hate each other but instead they are best buds and get excited every time the other is around.

Jericho also has a few new tricks.

She can stand for a few seconds on her own and...
this is now her favorite face to make.

She makes it when she's happy, mad, or sad it doesn't matter she's does it all the time.

Such a silly girl!

6 Months old now!

First tooth
Papa and Moni say, thank you for the pictures. I can't believe how beautiful she is and how big she has gotten. We miss her so much.
Give her big kisses for us.
What a girl! She's so beautiful! Love the videos... Wow she's 6 months?! I can hardly believe it. Time sure flies!
I have to admit that I missed your blog while you were gone, But I'm glad your back and your girl, O she's a doll and getting so big
Did you teach her how to make that face? Or did Aunt Tori teach her that? It is so funny! Can't wait to see you guys in CO.
Love Ya and Miss Ya Lots and Lots,
Lexy keeps making me bring up this post 'cuz she wants to see 'J-cho'. Her comments are usually, 'Aw, J-cho, cute!'
We're glad your back to blogging!
She is so beautiful Tara! She has a beautiful smile and I love the cheeks. The video cracks me up :) You really can't have a bad day with a baby in the house.
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