I also want to thank those of you that have been praying for us but have never said anything. I know you are out there because I feel your prayers, they have carried me many times these last few years. I know the Lord calls some people to pray and they never get any recognition or thanks or anything. I think the Lord shows them how their prays are heard and answered but still I would like to thank you. You wonderful prayer warriors who have done battle for me and my family (I'm sure on more than one occasion) sometimes there is no greater gift to give than an honest heartfelt prayer in the mist of a storm. Thank you for your prayers and faithfulness. It is not taken for granted.
Last but definitely NOT least I would like to thank Seth, my husband. I have such a wonderful husband. I do not know what I would do without him. He knows me better than anyone else in the world. Inside and out, good and bad, the pretty and the ugly which is why it wa

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